INTRODUCTION: uRang Alas and Alaslanden

The Alas, uRang Alas or kalak Alas, are an ethnic group who, for the most part, inhabit the Alas valley in the northern region of the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. In former days, the name was also spelled Allas (Marsden 1783:313; Radermacher 1781:8; Rosenberg 1854:464-5), but in 1908 the spelling of Alas was officially adopted by the Dutch government (Lijst 1806:8). The noun Alas refers to the people, to the land, and to the language itself. It is also used as an adjective: the Alas valley is called Lembah Alas, and Alasland is tanoh Alas. This term is used by other ethnic groups as well as by the Alas. There are several folk etymological views about the origin of the term Alas. Kreemer insists that this term originates from the name of a Batak chief who settled down in the Alas village of Batu Mbulan (1822:64; 1823:243-4). These days, however, no Alas whom I asked knows this tradition, and only a few Alas still believe the term Alas originates from the na...